Enjoy our range of healing modalities that are specifically designed to meet your requirements.
Medical massage is an outcome orientated massage, that utilises specific forms of treatment on the specific problem(s) the client has been diagnosed with. It is also referred to a clinical massage or treatment massage.
There are many massage programs and schools that teach medical massage as a technique. Though medical massage is any massage treatment utilised to treat specific medical conditions. There is no one singular technique that is a medical massage. Medical massage is taking whatever style of massage that the therapist knows and using that technique on specific conditions for the primary aim of specific outcomes.
Myotherapy (Musculoskeletal Therapy) is the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions that involve pain and dysfunction. The aim of Myotherapy is to enhance muscular functioning (flexibility & strength) and to decrease pain. At Latrobe Massage Centre, we specialise in the treatment of sports, and repetitive strain injuries to accelerate healing and to prevent any further dysfunction or injury.
Soft tissue is made up of the fascia, muscles, connective tissues, tendons, fat and organs that lie beneath the skin. When these become painful, injured or suffer from a decrease in functioning. Soft tissue therapy seeks to speed the body’s innate natural healing mechanisms through manipulation and other hands on techniques. Conditions that are effectively treated with soft tissue therapy include muscle sprains and strains, tendonitis, contusions and bursitis.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!